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网站优化基础 2023年07月19日 13:35 32 im





What is the meaning of miraculous and how is it read?

  Miraculous and miraculously are two words that are often used in everyday language. However, not everyone may be familiar with their meanings or how to properly pronounce them. In this article, we will explore the definition of miraculous and miraculously, as well as guide you on the correct pronunciation.


The Definition and Usage of Miraculous

  Miraculous is an adjective that describes something that is extraordinary or seemingly impossible, often attributed to a divine or supernatural intervention. It can refer to events, actions, or results that go beyond what is considered normal or expected. For example, a miraculous recovery from a severe illness or a miraculous escape from a dangerous situation. The word miraculous is also associated with wonder and astonishment.

  When using miraculous in a sentence, it is important to note that it is usually followed by a noun. Some examples include:



  1. The doctors said it was a miraculous recovery.

  3. They witnessed a miraculous transformation in the village.

  5. Her survival in such harsh conditions was nothing short of miraculous.


Pronouncing Miraculous

  Now, lets discuss the correct pronunciation of miraculous. The word is pronounced [muh-RAK-yuh-luhs]. Here is a breakdown of each syllable:



  • "muh" - similar to the sound in the word "mud".

  • "RAK" - rhymes with the word "back".

  • "yuh" - sounds like the word "you".

  • "luhs" - pronounced as it is spelled, like the word "loss".

  When saying the word, make sure to stress the second syllable "RAK". This way, you can confidently use the word miraculous in your conversations and be easily understood.


The Definition and Usage of Miraculously

  Miraculously, on the other hand, is the adverb form of the adjective miraculous. It describes an action or event that happens in a miraculous manner or with an incredible outcome. Miraculously indicates surprise and emphasizes the extraordinary nature of an event.

  Here are some examples of how to use miraculously in sentences:



  1. The car miraculously avoided a collision.

  3. She finished the marathon miraculously, despite her injured leg.

  5. The missing cat was miraculously found unharmed after three weeks.


Pronouncing Miraculously

  To correctly pronounce miraculously, follow this guide: [muh-RAK-yuh-luhs-lee]. Break it down into syllables as follows:



  • "muh" - similar to the sound in the word "mud".

  • "RAK" - rhymes with the word "back".

  • "yuh" - sounds like the word "you".

  • "luhs" - pronounced as it is spelled, like the word "loss".

  • "lee" - rhymes with the word "see".

  Emphasize the second syllable "RAK" and stress the final syllable "lee". With this pronunciation, you can confidently incorporate miraculously into your vocabulary.

  In conclusion, both miraculous and miraculously are words that describe extraordinary events or actions. Miraculous is an adjective, while miraculously functions as an adverb. Knowing their meanings and correct pronunciations will allow you to express yourself accurately and fluently.






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